Know Your Legal Rights As An Employee

Know Your Legal Rights As An Employee


Having a job, regardless of the field, always comes with a set of rights as an employee. You must always be informed of your rights, which are specific to your company. If you’re looking for special legal rights while going through something at your workplace, Watkins Tapsell is the place to go. The employer has a legal obligation to provide a comfortable, safe, and employee-friendly environment. Knowledge about employee rights is essential since it ensures that discrimination is avoided. Take a look at these legal rights as an employee:

Employee agreement:

All employees are entitled to an employment agreement under the Employment Law, which specifies the date on which they should begin working for the company. The employment agreement aims to clarify the employee’s title, the number of hours he is expected to work, the boss’s expectations of the employee, what constitutes a conflict, what should be done if a dispute occurs, the financial benefits the employee is entitled to receive during his employment, and the various leaves the employee is allowed to take.

Minimum wage:

Every employee is entitled to a minimum salary that allows them to maintain their standard of living while also having access to basic necessities. Any employee who is forced to work for less than the minimum wage is considered forced labor, and the employer is accountable for legal consequences.

Leaves and holidays:

One of the privileges that an employee has is the ability to take a vacation on government holidays and other important dates, which most people overlook and do not complain about, despite the fact that they have the legal right to do so. Another major point is the leave that employees have the right to request, which can be used for any of the following reasons:

1. Casual leave:

These days are reserved for unforeseen circumstances or incidents in which an employee may be required to attend to a pressing matter. A company usually allows up to three days of casual leave every month.

2. Leave without pay:

If an employee’s leave status is depleted, he may take a day off, but his earnings for that day will be removed from his monthly salary. At the discretion of the management authority, a paid leave may be offered to the employee.

3. Maternity leave:

A female employee has the right to take maternity/paternity leave for a specified number of days. This leave is available both during pregnancy and after birth. If issues emerge during pregnancy, such as early birth, miscarriage, or medical termination of pregnancy, maternity leave might be taken.

4. Privilege leaves:

These vacation days are carried over from past years and can be used by the employee in the current or future years. It is easy to alter privilege leaves for up to three years. These can also be used in place of sick days if an employee has exhausted his or her sick days. When an employee leaves a position with balance privilege leaves remaining, these leaves can be cashed.

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